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  • Фото автораAmanda Fridmon

How Couples Therapy Can Solve Their Relationship Problems

Обновлено: 2 апр. 2021 г.

Couples Thearpy Rebound Treatment is a professional treatment which treats couples with problems in a relationship, sex or masturbation. This program was developed by Patrick Carnes and Joseph Moriarty. Couples Therapy aims to enhance couples' sexual and emotional intimacy and solve interpersonal conflicts by working on the fundamentals of communicating, commitment and trust. It includes a number of tools and techniques designed to bring couples closer together and help them create a stronger bond than they had before.

The therapists involved in Couples therapy online on are Pat Carnes and Joseph Moriarty. These experts are recognized as experts in The Journal of Sex Research, which they have edited. They have been individually and collectively involved in improving couples' intimate relationships for the last ten years. With the help of this method they have been able to successfully assist couples to work on their sexual problems. These are some of the main problems which couples may face:

Lack of closeness. This is a common problem among couples. Lack of closeness can be caused by pressure from work, kids and other family responsibilities. If couples don't spend enough time together, they will face conflict as they cannot discuss their problems face-to-face. Through the help of couples counseling you will be able to overcome this problem. They will provide couples support and make them feel more secure about the relationship.

No sexual desire. This is a difficult problem in couples because it creates so many other problems such as stress and tension. In fact, having no sexual desire can cause a lot of problems as well such as avoiding intimacy and decreasing passion in the bedroom. By talking to a qualified therapist, couples will be able to overcome this problem as they will be given help on how to strengthen their relationship and create a desire for sex again. They will also learn tips on how to overcome this problem as well.

Argues often. Argues occur as a result of lack of communication in couples. By talking to couples the therapist will be able to help them overcome this as he or she will be able to identify the root of the argument and propose solutions to the problem. It is very important for couples to speak and hear each other through difficult discussions. If this does not happen, couples will end up arguing every time they disagree.

Low self esteem. It is one of the biggest problems that couples have. Most couples feel low self esteem due to a variety of reasons. The therapist will help couples discover the reason why they feel low self esteem and offer suggestions on how they can improve their self image. This will lead to improved communication and eventually helping their relationships grow stronger.

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Dima Santarskiy
Dima Santarskiy
13 sept. 2023

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